Conference Papers
Yeh, Chung-Yang and Tsai, Ming-Chang (2021). The Politics of the 2018 Pension Reform in Taiwan: Class, Generation, or Party? at 2021 The International Conference of Social Welfare Association of Taiwan "SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DYNAMICS IN CONTEMPORARY EAST ASIA" 15 May 2021, Soochow University, Shihlin, Taipei, Taiwan.
Flora Wu, Ijin Hong, and Chung-Yang Yeh (2020). Does the perception of quality of government drive public attitudes towards redistribution in China? paper presented at ISA RC19 Annual Conference 2020 "GLOBALIZATION IN RETREAT? WELFARE STATES AMID REGIONAL TURBULENCE " 3 Dec 2020, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
- 葉崇揚,2019,〈微觀-鉅觀連結:混合研究方法在東亞福利國家研究的應用〉。發表於「社會學學術資源與當代社會理論發展」學術論壇,2019.11.1。台北:東吳大學外雙溪校區綜合大樓國際會議廳。
- Yeh, Chung-Yang and Ku, Yeun-Wen (2019). Social policy preferences in the era of welfare reform in three East Asian welfare states: An intergenerational issue?, paper presented at the Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU) Symposium "Economic Globalization and Regionalization: Implications for Higher Education, Graduate Employment and Intergenerational Equality", 6 September 2019, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2019). Institutional Continuities and Changes of the Corporate Pension System in Japan and Taiwan, paper presented at the 16th EASP Annual Conference "East Asian Welfare Futures: Between Productivism and Social Investment", 2-3 July 2019, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
- 葉崇揚,2019,〈Bismarck 和 Beveridge 在東亞的交會-比較東亞年金體系制度變遷與連續的政治經濟基礎〉。發表於2019年台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會,2019.5.17-18。台北:中國文化大學推廣教育部大新館。
- Yeh, Chung-Yang and Shi, S.-J. (2019). "Pension Reform in East Asia: Japan in Comparative Perspective", paper presented at workshop of 'Japanese Welfare Model: Continuities and Changes during "the Lost Two Decades"', Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 13-14 Feb. 2019.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang, Lue, J-D. and Chen, Y.-F. (2018). 'The Change in Labour Market Policy Preferences in Germany, Japan and Taiwan before and after the 2008 Financial Crisis', presented at the workshop of 'Labour Market Liberalisation after the Lehman Crisis: France, Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective', German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo, 14~15 Dec. 2018.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2018). "The Activation Turn or the Decline of Social Solidarity: Public Attitude towards Passive and Active Labour Market Policies in Taiwan", paper presented at the 15th EASP Annual Conference "Social Policy in Post-Growth East Asia", 5-6 July 2018, University of Bristol, UK.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang, Shih, S. J. and Ku, Y.-W. (2018). "Shaping Politics: The Politics of Pension Reform in Three East Asian Welfare States", paper presented at the 15th EASP Annual Conference "Social Policy in Post-Growth East Asia", 5-6 July 2018, University of Bristol, UK.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2018). "In Search for New Institutional Equilibrium: Institutional Continuities and Changes of the Corporate Pension System in Japan and Taiwan", paper presented at the 30th SASE Annual Conference "Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy, and Justice", 23-25 June, 2018, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2018). "Public Opinions towards Passive and Active Labour Market Policies in Taiwan: An Activation Turn?". Paper presented at the 2018 International Yonsei Public Administration Conference: Behavioral Public Administration and Critical Public Issues, 17-19 January, 2018, Yonsei University, Korea,
- 葉崇揚、林宏陽、古允文(2017). 積極勞動市場政策的制度變遷--瑞典和丹麥的比較。發表於2017年台灣社會學年會,2017.11.25-26。台北:輔仁大學。
- Yeh, C.-Y., Lim, H. Y. and Ku, Y.-W. (2017). An East Asian Active Labour Market Regime? Paper presented at the annual conference of East Asia Social Policy Research Network. 2017.8.2~3, Nogoya.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2017). "The Evolution of Institutional Complementarities in East Asian Productivist Welfare Regime during the Post-War Period: Korea and Taiwan in Comparison". Paper presented at the workshop of "East Asian Welfare States in the Era of Globalisation and Regionalisation: Institutional Continuities and Changes, 27~28/ March/2017. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2016). "Mechanisms and Patterns of In-work Poverty in Japan and Taiwan", paper will present at the conference of "Innovation in Social Service Delivery", 24~25/Nov./2016. Hong-Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
- Yeh, Chung-Yangand Ku Yuen-wen (2016). The Political Logic of the Training-based ALMPs System in Taiwan. Presented at workshop of "Managing the Politics of Social Policy Reforms in Chinese Societies", 23/11/2016. Hong-Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2014). "Varieties of Liberalisation- Public-Private Pension Reforms in Korea and Taiwan". Paper presented at the Workshop: "Globalization, Democratization and the Institutional Transition of East-Asian Welfare Capitalism" (11, 12/12/2014). Chiayi, Taiwan.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2014). "Varieties of East Asian Productivist Welfare State Regime? Korea and Taiwan in Comparison". Paper presented at East Asian Junior Sociologists Forum (July 13, 2014). Yokohama.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang, Lue, Jen-Der and Ying-Fang Chen (2014). "Social Investment Welfare State versus Productivist Welfare State" paper presented at XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology (July 13-19, 2014). Yokohama.
- Yeh, Chung-Yang (2012). "New Patterns of Public-Private Pension Mix in Japan and Britain", paper will be presented at ESPAnet Doctoral Workshop, 29/July-2/August, Southampton, University of Southampton.
- 葉崇揚和呂建德(2008)。〈台灣老人經濟安全的轉變與挑戰-政治經濟學角度的初探〉。發表於「二十一世紀社會福利與國民經濟安全」研討會,玄奘大學。
- 葉崇揚和呂建德(2008)。〈南韓與台灣年金體系的發展與改革〉。發表於「東亞年金改革」研討會,政治大學。
- Yeh, C.-Y. (2007). 'Leben order Überleben?-- All New Life Course Social Policy Paradigm'. Presented at the annual conference of Social Welfare Association, National Taipei University.
- 陳盈方和葉崇揚(2006)。〈日本與德國退出勞動市場制度-生產體制與福利體制的制度互補性〉,發表於2006年「台灣社會學年會」,東海大學。